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Friday 23 November 2012


EI! X ske nye ngan pangai manusia ni..what if korng xcdent n then,dlm rumah sewe 2 cume membe sowng  kowng je yg ade kete n x tumpngkan korng but bleh plak pegi amik awek dye yg dok nun jaoh d sane. Its weird rite...happy tgok kesushan membe but willing 2 do anything for the girlfriend.. x kesh pon nak bercouple, tp ingt la ckit, FRENS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN GIRLFREN ok . . klu korng sush, membe2 korng jgak yg korng cri dlu  kan . . pnah plak ble korng xdek duet, korng minx kat awek korng (laki x taw malu je yg pnah buat) . . so, ble membe2 nachat/tegur,trime la . . . its 4 ur own sake . . actually, pmpm pon x skela la laki mcm 2 . .

p/s : kdang2 kte wat silap, kte dri sndri x sedar . . jd, membe2 kte la yg jd tukang tegur . . baek x membe2 kte??hihi . . ANYONG

A stranger stabs you in the front; a friend stabs you in the back; a boyfriend stabs you in the heart, but best friends only poke each other with straws. – KOPI & PASTA :P